• Journey Through Time

    Collin County's Black History Unveiled

  • Where History Speaks

    Discover the Rich Tapestry of Black Heritage in Collin County

  • Uncover Untold Stories

    Dive into the Collin County Black History Museum

Welcome to the Collin County Black History Museum

Welcome to the Collin County Black History Museum

Discover the Legacy, Celebrate the Future

At the heart of Collin County lies a story woven with the threads of courage, perseverance, and unwavering spirit. The Collin County Black History Museum invites you to embark on a journey through time, where history is not just remembered, but vividly alive, inspiring us to build a future where everyone’s story is honored.

Our Mission

To illuminate the rich blend of African American life in Collin County, we are dedicated to uncovering, preserving, and sharing the stories that have shaped our community. Through education, cultural exhibitions, and fostering dialogue, we aim to celebrate the contributions and achievements of African Americans in Collin County, bridging the past and present to inspire future generations.

Explore Our Collections


Step into our dynamic exhibitions that bring to life the pivotal moments and silent whispers of Collin County’s Black history. From the struggles for equality to the triumphs of the human spirit, each exhibit is a testament to the resilience and contribution of the African American community.


Dive into our extensive archives where documents, photographs, and artifacts tell the untold stories of African American heritage in Collin County. Each piece is a window to the past, offering insights into the lives and legacies that have woven the fabric of our community.

Educational Programs

Engage with history through our comprehensive educational programs designed for all ages. From workshops to lectures, and interactive tours, we provide resources that enlighten and inspire learners to appreciate the depth of African American history and its impact on our world today.

Events & Community Engagement

Join us in celebrating African American culture and history at our array of events throughout the year. From the vibrant Heritage Festival to thought-provoking seminars and community discussions, there is always an opportunity to connect, learn, and grow with us.

Support Our Cause

As a lighthouse of cultural heritage and education in Collin County, we rely on the generous support of our community. Discover how you can contribute through donations, volunteering, or becoming a member. Together, we can preserve the legacy of African American history and ensure it inspires generations to come.

Visit Us

Experience the stories that have shaped Collin County firsthand. Plan your visit to our center, where history comes to life and the legacy of African American contributions is celebrated. Connect with us to learn more about our programs, events, and how you can be part of this vital journey.

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